
Kubernetes-Managed TLS Certificates with cert-manager

I use sub-domains of taco.moe for everything in my homelab. One reason I do this is because I want valid TLS certificates (don’t want to deal with self-signed certs or manage a CA).

Let’s Encrypt provides free TLS certificates to anyone who can prove they own the domain they’re requesting a certificate for. Domain validation is done through a challenge, either HTTP-based (host a file on your domain) or DNS-based (create a TXT record).

The only downside to Let’s Encrypt is that issued certificates are only valid for 90 days. Thankfully there is an automated process to request certificates from Let’s Encrypt: cert-manager.

cert-manager is a cloud-native certificate management solution that runs on Kubernetes. It provides CRDs for requesting and issuing certificates and automatically keeps the issued certificates up to date.

Anatomy of cert-manager

At a high level, the certificate provisioning process with cert-manager looks like this:

Issuer (ClusterIssuer) -> Certificate -> Secret (kubernetes.io/tls)

cert-manager uses an Issuer to handle certificate provisioning. There are two types of issuer: Issuer (namespaced) and ClusterIssuer (issue certificates to any namespace). For each TLS certificate, I create a Certificate instance. cert-manager handles requesting the TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt when a Certificate instance is created. Once Let’s Encrypt has completed it’s challenge and signed the TLS certificate, cert-manager creates a TLS-type Secret with the certificate/key as key-value pairs. The secret can then be mounted by Pods.

NOTE: There are additional resources created by cert-manager automatically during the certificate provisioning process. Unless there are errors, I never need to touch these. If you do need to troubleshoot, this diagram shows all K8s custom resource relationships.

My cert-manager Deployment

I have cert-manager running on a k3s deployment on my home network managing all of my TLS certificates.

My lab runs on private IP space and isn’t exposed externally. DNS for taco.moe is split into internal and external zones. The internal zone is hosted on a private nameserver in my home network. The external zone is on AWS Route 53 (which points to Netlify, aka this site). Here’s a quick diagram:

|            Internal           |        External       |
| git.taco.moe      -> | taco.moe -> |
| whatever.taco.moe -> |                       |

I’m able to use cert-manager with DNS challenge even though none of my sub-domains have any public records. I only need be able manipulate TXT records in my public zone (Route 53) to prove I own the TLD. cert-manager can create these TXT records using an AWS IAM service account.

Provisioning Certs with cert-manager

NOTE: Everything below is based on my configuration: cert-manager running on k3s, provisioning certificates from Let’s Encrypt for sub-domains of my TLD, taco.moe, by performing DNS-based challenges against Route 53, my external DNS zone.

Install cert-manager

First, install cert-manager. The docs have great instructions depending on your platform. I’m running on k3s and used the kubectl apply method. I’ve also had success installing with the cert-manager operator on OpenShift.

Create Namespace

Check if the installation created the cert-manager namespace. If the installation didn’t do this for you, create it:

$ kubectl create namespace cert-manager

Create AWS IAM Service Account

Create an IAM service account in the AWS console with these instructions from the cert-manager docs. Note the account access key and secret access key, they will be required for the next few steps.

Create AWS Service Account Secret

Create a secret to hold the AWS secret access key:

  • Replace value on line marked with # Replace me.
  • stringData in a Secret manifest will base64 encode the given strings and set the data field with the encoded value in the created Secret object.
cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
  secret-access-key: REDACTED # Replace me
kind: Secret
  name: aws-secret
  namespace: cert-manager
type: Opaque

Create ClusterIssuer

Create the ClusterIssuer:

  • Replace values on lines marked with # Replace me
  • secretAccessKeySecretRef points to the previously created secret in the cert-manager namespace
  • accessKeyID is the access key of the AWS IAM service account
  • privateKeySecretRef is used to store the ACME account’s private key (secret will be created, it should not exist)
cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: cluster-cert-issuer
    email: REDACTED # Replace me
    preferredChain: ""
      name: cluster-cert-issuer-secret
    server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
    - dns01:
          accessKeyID: REDACTED # Replace me
          region: us-east-1
            key: secret-access-key
            name: aws-secret
        - taco.moe # Replace me

Create a Certificate

Create the first managed certificate:

  • Replace values on lines marked with # Replace me
  • This object can be placed in any namespace, it doesn’t have to be in cert-manager
  • Certificate issuing status can checked with kubectl get certs under the Ready column (it may take a few minutes for the challenge to complete)
  • secretName is the secret cert-manager should create with the new TLS certificate (secret will be created, it should not exist)
cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
  name: taco-moe-cert # Replace me
  namespace: kube-system # Replace me
  commonName: taco.moe
  - git.taco.moe # Replace me
  # - '*.taco.moe' # Example wildcard
    kind: ClusterIssuer
    name: cluster-cert-issuer
  secretName: taco-moe-tls # Replace me

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